Monday, December 7, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nedo reaches the 6 month mark at his job!

He's the man! Nedo has worked with Jesken Aerie, a local seniors residence, for the past 6 months - he has worked in their kitchen, their dining room and on the front desk. He volunteers his time with the residents and has become a part of the family there. Way to go Nedo!!

Next PATHWAY October 19!!

Do you want a sick job that doesn't make you want to bounce?

Ask Sebastian - he'll tell you how.

Call Randy and Jen (250.391.1487) at The Pathway Project!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Only a few days left to apply for Pathway...don't wait another day to get on your 'path'!! Ring us today at (250) 391 1487 and ask for Randy or Jen.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Group 28 is following their path.

Group 28 is on their way, following their path!

They found work in retail, restaurants, warehouses, hair salons, senior's homes and recreation centres- everywhere they wanted to work.

Way to go Group 28!! You guys rock!

Jen and Randy are looking for a new group of young people who want to make a difference for themselves.

C'mon, whatcha waiting for????

Give us a call and find out more!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Group 28 reaches the half way point!

The goal: Find the kind of job that makes me want to jump out of bed in the morning. 

How to reach goal: Take risks - set goals - celebrate accomplishments - most of all, embrace the process! 

Check it out!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Next PATHWAY starts APRIL 6!!!! Apply today - call Jen or Randy at 250.391.1487 if you want to know more....

'No matter which path you take, there is always a door that you haven't gone through yet with new experiences that lie ahead. But be sure you leave all the doors open, so you have the option to go through the doors multiple times and in different orders to create new experiences.

We never really know which path we will take or where we will end up...There is an infinite amount of opportunities in life, which is wild ....and starting at different doors will take you down different paths and give you new experiences. '

Hailey - Group 24

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Group 27 is Getting on With It

Group 27 is on the loose! Everybody is getting on with it and moving forward with their lives. Some people are working in restaurants, in tanning salons, garden centres and others have gone back to school to get ready for their next step. And are employers ever happy to have them! They are so impressed with our Pathway grads (and Pathway is too !!) they keep asking if we
have more people to send their way. Anybody up for a challenging 16 weeks with the Pathway Project??? Give us a call today 250-391-1487 and talk to Jen or Randy.

Group 27 braved the cold and snow to create Adventure Day memories to last a long time.
A little cold and snow is no problem for this intrepid group!!

Here's a link to something we thought was pretty cool. Stay with it till it finishes.

It doesn't take very long at all.